What is the market value of Revit Engineer?

I am in my last year of engineering and also pursuing the course of revit and autocad electrical. So, As a fresher How would this courses helps me in future.
5 Answers
Hello Kuldeep,
This is a tricky question.
From my personal experience In the electrical engineering industry the main player in town when it comes to electronics design is Altium designer.
When it comes to CAD design engineering there is a selection of main players. My personal preference is Solidworks CAD design and Solidworks PCB powered by Altium for electronics design.
It all comes down to the employer and what they are looking for. There are company's out there that use revit and autocad electrical so your courses will help get employment with them.
I see, If you want to be a freelancer or work for yourself or even eventually start your on business or company.
1. Study and gain the relevant skills required to run a small business on your own, this is not as easy as it sounds. CAD design, Accounting, Business studies, Website design are basic requirements for business operation.
2. Do a lot of market research, find potential customers and make sure there is a clear customer base for the product or services that you will supply. Last thing you want to do is start a small business and have no customers.
3. Build a virtual online solid foundation and a central hub of operations. Buy your own online domain name to start a website. Rent server space or buy a server to upload your own website and build an online presence. Build a website and clearly state your ability's and services that you can provide. Also build in to your website pages to show a clear portfolio of your work and skill capability.
4. Marketing is an essential part of finding new customers.
I could go on forever on this topic. What your really need to do is find a book on starting your own business or company. This will tell you everything you need to know regarding going freelance or starting a small business in detail.
Regards Jason
We all choose our path in life and all we can do is hope it is the right one. Many people ask themselves this question and it is like trying to predict the future. We hope the software we choose to study and learn will be the best choice for the future. The truth is nobody knows the future with certainty. Software developers can go bust or new software company's come in and change the game and leave the rest behind. It is like trying to predict what programming language will be dominant in the future. All we can do is hope we made the right choice.
My advice would be, always be willing to adapt to the engineering landscape as it unfolds. If you are starting to believe your horse is a bad bet then it is time to hedge your bets and bet on another. Many software's I used long ago you never even hear of today. Technology changes and adapts, you must change with it if you want to survive.
If I was in your shoes right now starting my electrical engineer career I would be looking at Altium designer. It is the main player and probably the most advanced electronics design software out there. For CAD design it would be solidworks as it has electronics design and cad import export capability's. This is my guess but other engineers may have a different opinion.
Hello again Kuldeep,
You are making me confused.
You said you are an electrical engineering student ?
Altium designer is a professional Electronics and PCB design package designed specifically for electrical engineers. It is used to design electronics. An electrical engineer is a highly skilled professional who actually designs electronics. That is what an electrical engineer does.
Revit MEP is building design engineering software. For Architectural design engineering.
Autocad electrical is Ahhh
I think what you are saying is you are studying to be an electrician ?
An electrician is very very different to an electrical engineer. An electrical engineer is a highly skilled professional who designs electronics hardware. An electrician is a person who does low level electrical wiring in buildings etc...
If you are studying to be an electrician you can not really go wrong.

In so far as GrabCAD groups go ;
Revit = 1,860 members
SolidWorks = 33,637 members
The ratio of SolidWorks to Revit is 18:1 or roughly 20 to 1.
In other words there are almost 20x more SW users as there are Revit users.
I would tend to guess that in the marketplace that there are 20x as many jobs for SW than Revit, so in regard to market demand, Revit is less likely to be used and less likely to be desired.
This will also play a part in what people will pay as hourly rates are based not only on demand, but also CAD tool software per seat costs and as well as CAD tool learning investment.
There is another factor: long term viability, as lesser used products tend to have an early mortality rate since they become acquired by larger companies and relegated to obsolescence faster. This is NOT to say that they are bad tools, but market acceptance plays a big part in long term growth as well as long term support.