Thank you everyone for entering this challenge. Below you will see the current Finalists that the judges have picked for this challenge. As the Judges are deliberating please keep the comment section free from hateful misconduct. Any form will result in a ban from GrabCAD and the removal of your entry if you are apart of this challenge.

The top 10 entries stood out for their comprehensive documentation, including detailed write-ups alongside CAD models and images. They effectively explained how their systems worked and met the project's requirements.

The designs applied a preload of force upon contact. This highlights a problem observed in about half of the submissions. Many designs which did not provide preload, which means if the latch were to experience differential thermal expansion compared to the segments, it would not necessarily hold the segments together, meaning location repeatability would not be maintained.

Many of designs were low mass, while still providing adequate preload. Another observation from the submissions, was that designs that were extremely low mass or simple would connect, but not apply a preload, meaning they would be subject to the issues above.

With the exception of one design, the finalists maintained a low profile when stowed, ensuring they did not extend beyond the kinematic mount, and in many cases, they were flush with the edges of the hexagon. The one exception was a concept submitted early in the challenge that later inspired many similar approaches adopted by other designers.

The selected designs were robust and immune to unintentional activation due to launch loads. They avoided relying on delicate, elongated triggers or flexures, which might be vulnerable to damage during off-nominal loading, experience high vibrational forces, or risk buckling. The precise failure mode was highly dependent on the specific design.

A couple of the finalists went the extra mile by constructing 3D printed prototypes. These prototypes validated that their designs were not just theoretically sound in CAD animations but also functional with physical components.

Each of these designs either offered a clear and transparent explanation of how they would operate or embraced a simplicity that demonstrated their fundamental soundness.

First Place
Egyptian key by benjamin.cinto-2

Egyptian key

Throughout our rigorous judging process, the Egyptian Key design consistently claimed the top spot, impressing each of our six judges as we evaluated a wide array of submissions, narrowed down to the finalists, and eventually handpicked the top five designs. What made the Egyptian Key design truly exceptional was its remarkable simplicity, underscored by having the lowest mass among the top six submissions. This simplicity not only elevated its feasibility for fabrication but also instilled confidence among the judges that the risk of mass increase during implementation was minimal. Additionally, its streamlined design ensured the design's resilience to withstand the rigors of launch loads while minimizing the chances of accidental activation.

Moreover, the Egyptian Key design exhibited full compliance with the volume constraints, never extending beyond the designated plate until deployment initiation. It occupied significantly less volume than the fully allocated triangle, leaving a generous margin for potential growth of other mechanisms in the future. The design featured an innovative approach to creating shocks during deployment, characterized by its simplicity and effectiveness.

The design's modularity, coupled with redundancy in the latching mechanism, instilled confidence in its performance in orbit. Furthermore, the comprehensive documentation accompanying the design provided invaluable insights into the forces it generated. While some concerns surfaced regarding the omission of friction in the analysis, it's essential to note that this was a common thread among most submissions. And detailed friction management and lubrication design is something we expect to have to add to all the entries. In summary, the Egyptian Key design's exceptional combination of simplicity, efficiency, and adaptability firmly established its place as a clear winner in our evaluation.

Second Place
Positive Connection by ralph.farrer-1

Positive Connection

This design holds a unique place in our challenge as the very first submission, time-wise, before the contest's closure, to employ a conical wedge and wedge springs to secure the deployable in place. The concept of using these elements was reiterated throughout the challenge, and we wanted to recognize the individual who first introduced this innovative approach, and put their design out there for all to see.

The design's implementation was characterized by its elegant simplicity, notably featuring a single sheet metal spring to activate the wedges. What particularly impressed the judges was the designer's commitment to prototyping the concept, demonstrating the design's load-carrying capability.

Notably, this design boasted the lowest part count among all the finalists, minimizing the number of components to be fabricated and reducing potential points of failure during implementation. However, a key drawback surfaced in the form of a volume constraint non-compliance, as the design extended beyond the designated plates. Yet, as discussed in the forum that meeting the volume constraint between the plates was not the only judging criteria, this design received high scores in every other category, positioning it firmly in second place. Furthermore, the designer provided ideas on how to implement shock loads into the design.

Despite its non-compliance with volume constraints, the second-place design impressed us with its innovative approach, prototyping efforts, simplicity, and efficiency, solidifying its position as a top performer in our challenge.

Third Place
Retractable claws by marcelo.valderrey-1

Retractable claws

The third-place design distinguished itself through its innovative latch capture method, capable of self-adjustment to address misalignments—a feature of paramount importance in precision engineering. The design's meticulous analysis of diverse alignment conditions, backed by a well-structured work package, showcased the designer's unwavering commitment to thorough engineering. This level of examination instilled confidence in the design's adaptability and reliability under real-world challenges.

Although the design didn't achieve a flush volume, it maintained compliance with the critical constraint of not extending beyond the kinematic mounts. The incorporation of an over-center latch design mean that a low amount of input force could result in a large amount of output force. However, one potential concern raised was the risk of binding due to the presence of numerous moving parts. Addressing this concern through thoughtful design adjustments would further elevate the design's performance, ensuring seamless operation in practical scenarios. Another concern was that this design did not take on the bonus challenge, to create shocks after latching. However the design was extremely well polished in every other area.

The design's exceptional video and CAD model quality, along with comprehensive documentation, significantly aided in conveying its functionality. These visual elements left no room for ambiguity, providing judges and future users with a clear understanding of the design's inner workings. In summary, the third-place design's adaptability, alignment tolerance, and comprehensive documentation collectively earned it a well-deserved ranking as a top performer in the challenge, standing out as a testament to precision and thorough engineering.

Fifth Place
Bayonet mechanism by flaviano.crespi

Bayonet mechanism

The fifth-place design earned acclaim for its truly distinctive and novel approach to a latching mechanism. Its out-of-plane, rotational locking method showcased the potential to generate substantial output forces with a minimal input force, emphasizing efficiency and effectiveness in its operation.

However, notable concerns surfaced regarding the potential for sliding friction to impede activation, particularly contingent on the preload of the torsion spring. This raised considerations about the reliability of the design, emphasizing the need for meticulous optimization and precise engineering in addressing these friction-related issues.

Additionally, while the design offered documentation and analysis, it was observed that the amount of documentation and analysis provided was relatively lighter compared to the other awardees.

In summary, the fifth-place design's innovative and efficient out-of-plane, rotational locking approach stood out as a remarkable feature. Yet, concerns related to potential friction issues and the relatively lighter documentation underscored areas for potential improvement and optimization, emphasizing the importance of precision and comprehensive documentation in mechanical design.

Fourth Place
SkinnyGearedSnail by nazarii.vareshchuk-1


The fourth-place design introduced an intriguing ratcheting mechanism that immediately drew the attention of the judges. What set this design apart was its meticulous incorporation of rollers at all sliding interfaces, a standout feature aimed at reducing sliding friction—an essential consideration in precision engineering. This deliberate choice showcased the designer's profound understanding of mechanical dynamics and their commitment to ensuring smooth and efficient operation. Another notable strength of this design was its impeccable adherence to the volume constraint objective, ensuring it never extended beyond the designated plate.

However, one notable concern revolved around the number of moving parts within the design. The complexity introduced by these multiple components raised questions about potential challenges during implementation and operation. Additionally, the design prompted consideration regarding the necessity for the swords to remain on roller tracks throughout the rigors of launch loads. This potential risk of displacement under intense vibration and forces was a point of deliberation.

The extensive documentation, offering a wealth of insights into its functionality and performance. This meticulous approach to providing documentation not only facilitated the evaluation process but also showcased the designer's dedication to transparency and thorough engineering.

In summary, the fourth-place design exhibited a commendable integration of a ratcheting mechanism and the strategic use of rollers at sliding interfaces. While its rigorous adherence to volume constraints and comprehensive documentation greatly enhanced its appeal, concerns about the number of moving parts and the potential impact of launch loads on the swords' stability warranted careful consideration during the evaluation process.

Honorable Mentions

Honorable Mention
NASA Safe latching by bjorn.heide.pedersen-1

NASA Safe latching

The first honorable mention is awarded to a design that left a remarkable impression, largely due to its presentation of a fully 3D printed prototype. Despite concerns stemming from the design's intricate configuration, involving numerous moving parts and sliding interfaces (which could lead to biding due to friction), it managed to secure the sixth position in the judges' rankings among the top ten finalists. The standout feature of this honorable mention is the exceptional fidelity and realism of the prototype, which significantly bolstered the judges' confidence in the overall design. Notably, the prototype played a transformative role, elevating the submission from a position outside the top ten finalists to deserving an honorable mention among these accomplished designs.

Honorable Mention
Latch , shock , tight by mhmd.bsl-1

Latch , shock , tight

Another honorable mention we wanted to call out was the “Latch, Shock, Tight”. This was the best design from a country that was unfortunately ineligible to receive a cash prize, due to NASA rules. The judges specifically appreciated the amount of documentation that accompanied this design, the detail of the CAD models, and the implementation of flexures which avoids friction issues.

People's Choice Designs

We also wanted to recognized the designs most liked by the community. Please note, that the judges did not view the number of likes, and this had no impact on the judging ratings above. First place in peoples choice with 27 likes went to Retractable Claws, which placed 3rd above. There was a tie for second, with both the Bayonet Mechanism (5th place above) and the Geared Snail (by Nazarii Vareshchuk) with 21 likes each. Thanks for letting us know which designs you liked!

Finalists Listed Below

Egyptian key by benjamin.cinto-2

Egyptian key

Positive Connection by ralph.farrer-1

Positive Connection

Retractable claws by marcelo.valderrey-1

Retractable claws

NASA Safe latching by bjorn.heide.pedersen-1

NASA Safe latching

Bayonet mechanism by flaviano.crespi

Bayonet mechanism

Latch , shock , tight by mhmd.bsl-1

Latch , shock , tight

SkinnyGearedSnail by nazarii.vareshchuk-1


Latch , shock , tight by mhmd.bsl-1

Latch , shock , tight
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