Is Zero Emissions coming to your State or Country in the next 15 years ?

California and Washington are adopting laws that will restrict NEW vehicles to ZERO emission by 2035 :
This doesn't specifically call out Motorcycles, but its likely that will include them by that time as well.
And are you going to adopt the new laws or try to get grand-fathered in before then ?
What are your thoughts on this subject ?
Thank you in advance for responding below:
1 Answer

I’m all for EVs. I think they will be ultimately superior to ICE vehicles for most all general transportation. However there are exceptions where I don’t see EVs being practical for many more decades. Heavy hauling, farming, continuous duty etc.
Farming equipment, including the road legal vehicles used to support farming, need capabilities to run 24 hours a day for days on end in remote areas. Even if battery charging gets to the point where it can occur as fast as ICE fueling, it can’t happen in remote farming locations without significant infrastructure to bring the electricity grid out to where it’s needed. Farming vehicles need the capabilities to run non-stop for many hours without refueling or recharging. Even though battery technology is progressing exponentially I don’t see it being anywhere close to providing the run times required for many decades.
Same thing applies to over-the-road tractor-trailers. Many of the same issues apply that limit farm equipment. These vehicles need a lot of power for long periods of time with quick fueling and charging capabilities.
Standard passenger vehicles that operate in remote areas may not have access to the power grid for days or weeks on end. Many operate in areas where no power will ever be available. These problems also apply to motorcycles. As viable as electric motorcycles may be, there are some areas where it just isn’t going to work.
ICE powered vehicles have a hundred year head start. Many of the associated problems took 50+ years before they were even addressed. They are still noisy, dirty, polluting and extremely complicated. They’ve about reached the limit of possible improvements. EVs are still in their infancy but it’s readily apparent they will far surpass ICE vehicles on almost all fronts. However, the problems associated with EVs are expected to be solved as fast as they come up. We can’t wait 50 years. As these EV mandates start taking effect there will be problems that surface. There must be exceptions to the mandates.