Is it a space-time antenna or simply a coil from an old mattress ?

I was perusing the bradcad library models when i came across these (2) very interesting Bashar (free-energy) antenna coil designs :
9 Turn Bashar Space Time Antenna
So the first one looks eerily like a coil from an old mattress, but the second one is interesting since it has a very linear coil design typical of wide band filters conical coil :
However since i have knowledge of the Rogowski Coil types that are used for current sensing,
I felt it was worthwhile investigation this design to see if there are any merits to its design - - as a coil or as an antenna that is !
So here's a video on it :
I will spend some more time on this and see if there is any merit to this design IF there is a feed point for this.
But i wanted to know your thoughts on this design
< < < more to come > > >