How do I convert multiple SLDPRT and SLDASM files to use in Blender?
I recently downloaded a project folder from here and it has SO many files in it. I can't open any of them in Blender (the only program I use) because they're all SLDPRT and SLDASM. I tried to convert in the GrabCAD Workbench, which does allow me to convert to different Blender-supported file types, but there are SO MANY files in this project folder (60+) I have no idea where to start.
Do I just download them all one by one? (will that take a million years?) And how do I keep them in the same place after they've all converted? How do I even open all these files at once to view them in blender?
I'm brand new here and don't have any idea what I'm doing. Never used blender or worked in 3D models at all, sorry if this is a silly ask.
1 Answer
Hi, I was like you few months ago, hopefully I have had resolve this issues using a third
program called "CAD Exchanger", this can handle many different CAD files and convert all assembly into the file FBX, that's the file you need in Blender. I use to download like you from GrabCAD, make assemblies in CREO, Solidworks, or any CAD, and finally use CAD Exchanger" to emigrate into Blender. Even though Some CADs programs has extension to export to some Blender's files supported, those files extension converter has no exporting such things like colors. Well I hope this help you in your projects.