Hello guys
I wrote a Macro for inventor that flat patterns all sheetmetal parts and exports them to dxf and dwg. I posted it on my account and would like if some inventor users can try it out and give me some feedback on it.
thank you
Hello Clint
Yes learned how to flat pattern the parts from your blog,
would like to add a progress bar next and a report that checks that the parts flat patterned correctly.
Here's notes on the progress bar: https://clintbrown.co.uk/2019/02/22/progressbar/
For Reporting, you could do something based on this: https://clintbrown.co.uk/2019/03/23/check-report-on-iproperties-with-ilogic/ -
This is one of my favorite add-ins for Inventor. Save me tons of hours. Take a look.
This might also be useful for the sheet metal folks out there. I wrote an iLogic utility that exports out a sheet metal BoM. So if you have a model that contains sheet metal and normal parts, this will just send out the sheet metal components: https://clintbrown.co.uk/2020/03/01/ilogic-export-sheet-metal-bom/ You could use this as a check list to make sure that your DXF's have all been exported.
New version for APP for Sheet metal templeates fo make a 3D solid Sheet metal & Automate CUSTOM iProperties for Autodesk Inventor.
Now compatible from 2013 to 2020 you can view data sheet & video at:
Worked great on inventor 2022! Any idea on how to change the layer names and not include breaklines during export? Manufacturing Engineer here, little knowledge of programming.
This has nothing to do with exporting flat patterns and programming. You need to learn how to create a link when posting a reply.
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Hello, Mr. Jacobus Willlemse
It is a great job for making this macro, and it is working well.
but it exports a flat pattern with solid bending lines.
If there is a way to make bending lines hidden or appear as a dash line, i will be grateful.
Hello Everyone,
I created a 3D model for a cylindrical planter and need to create its flat pattern,
Could anyone help me plz?
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