Robert Tharalson
Another motor called transverse flux type is being researched. It's a very low speed high torque design optimized for direct drive, thou...
Robert ;
Thank you for providing this very interesting development that is being explored at the University level (my old alma mater).
I think that this needs more refinement and i disagree on the EM tool that they used ! - - -they should have used the Ansys Maxwell (student) version and they would have had MUCH better EM results.
Also they should have used these other really good tools : JMAG and PSIM
JMAG is good for the core, laminations, and windings.
PSIM is good for the EM simulations of frequency, torque, rotational speed, etc.
We *now* live in a world of cheap fast computers with multiple cores, huge memory (tens if not hundreds of gigbytes) and EM simulation software that is exceptional in its CORRELATION.
The fact that they had poor to moderate CORRELATION is an indicator that their process is *broken*.
CORRELATION is the metric for EM design process quality and in antenna design it is crucial to creating and developing DETERMINISTIC designs.
Otherwise design becomes this mindless (and possibly endless) iteration approach with ZERO confidence in knowing what your outcome will be !
We live in a new paradigm of design entry and simulation *before* creation.
Experimental result outcomes are driven by good understanding of now just engineering (regardless of the discipline), not just the tools (as a tool jockey), not just the CAM process or materials (e.g. meta-materials), but most importantly the CORRELATION of experimental results to simulation results.
This can be tricky to navigate as the simulation tools have quirks (and limitations), as do the models, as well as the SIGNIFICANCE of the parameters of the models (or other simulator metrics).
Knowing how the models and the simulator *behaves* is the key to understanding the *significance* of the parameters and is the goal to good *correlation*.
Once the correlation process is well understood and characterized, *this* is where the real power of DFx comes into play !! - - - where x is *anything*.
And i know that thru the many R&D papers (thousands) that i have reviewed over the last decade, *all* really good designs have great correlation.
This model that i created of a phased array is a simple example of the EM process with fantastic performance but very low cost materials and simple design complexity :

Grabcad model
This is a model that I created from a white paper titled "Broadband mm-Wave Microstrip Array Antenna with Improved Radiation Characteristics for Different 5G Applications" by Mohsen Khalily, Member, IEEE, Rahim Tafazolli, Senior Member, IEEE, Pei Xiao, Senior Member, IEEE, and Ahmed A. Kishk, Fel...