Any Digital Radio or Software Defined Radio (SDR) users out there ? Steven Minichiello 25 Sep, 2020 10:17 PM Just taking a quick poll to see if there is anyone out there using a Digital form of Radio Communications and why they selected a particular format. This includes Software Defined Radios (SDR) and Direct Conversion Radios as well; or any form of digital radio . 1 Answer Vojtech Klusacek Answered on 28 Dec, 2022 07:12 AM Yes, I have some and experience with them. Kiwisdr, RTL-Sdr, low IF conversion to 24bit Soundcard, Mirics SDR and FifiSDR. Every of them has its advantages and disadvanteges. BR, OK1VAW
Any Digital Radio or Software Defined Radio (SDR) users out there ? Steven Minichiello 25 Sep, 2020 10:17 PM Just taking a quick poll to see if there is anyone out there using a Digital form of Radio Communications and why they selected a particular format. This includes Software Defined Radios (SDR) and Direct Conversion Radios as well; or any form of digital radio . 1 Answer Vojtech Klusacek Answered on 28 Dec, 2022 07:12 AM Yes, I have some and experience with them. Kiwisdr, RTL-Sdr, low IF conversion to 24bit Soundcard, Mirics SDR and FifiSDR. Every of them has its advantages and disadvanteges. BR, OK1VAW